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Pen-Shaped USB 2.0 Flash Memory Drive, 4GB

Condition:  New
Price:  €33.39 EUR
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Delivery: Estimated between 8-10 Days
Payments:   PayPal 

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Seller Information:
scarbiu (1) 1-9 Verified
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 Shipping Cost: €9.28 EUR
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Item Description
Item Specifics
Condition: -
Please select the color when you place order!Our USB Flash Drive is compact and easy-to-use devices that are similar in use to your computer hard drive. USB flash drives slip into your pocket, conveniently around your neck or on a keychain for ultimate portable storage. USB flash drives finally fulfill the real promise of the digital age: complete freedom and mobility. Our products are all pluggable, portable, and powerful!
Main Features
  • Dimension:Ø=1.78cm,L=14.4cm
  • Capacity: 4GB
  • LED indicator: light flashing, reading and writing data
  • USB host interface: USB 1.1/USB2.0
  • Drivers: only Windows 98/SE needs the driver
  • Hardware: PC, notebook or Macintosh with USB port
Package Content
  • 1 x Flash Memory Drive
  • 1 x CD Driver
  • 1 x Neck Strap
  • 1 x Manual Book
    Operating Current
    Suspend Current
    Data Retention
    over 10 years
    Reading Speed
    Writing Speed
    Operating System
    Windows98/SE, WindowsMe/2000/XP, Linux2.4.x, Mac OS9.1/Mac OS X, Linux 2.4.X which support USB mass storage protocol
    Gross Weight
    Package Size (LxWxH)
    12cm x 12cm x 2.5cm
    Package Type
    Color Box
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€9.28 EUR Not Available n/a

Seller's payment instructions & return policy:

  • I will sell my car to the first buyer that make a down payment of $4500.The total price with all the taxes included is :$9000. Thank You !

  • Shipping Cost:  €9.28 EUR 
    Shipping Insurance:  Not Available 

    Sales tax details:
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     Ready to purchase the item?
     Pen-Shaped USB 2.0 Flash Memory Drive, 4GB Item number: 4474
    Instant Purchase Purchase Contract
    Purchase Price: €33.39 EUR

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