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Hov Pod Hovercraft

Price:  $18,041.03 USD
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Imagine owning your own Personal Hovercraft!

The Hov Pod Hovercraft is unlike any other personal water craft and offers more fun than a RIB, off road bike, jet boat or personal watercraft. Not only do Hov Pod's offer great style they are also easy to use and offer unsurpassed excitement, more than any thrill seeker could wish for! 

Hov Pod Hovercraft offer unknown freedom compared to most other land and water craft because you will be able to move from land to water and back again. Try that in a RIB, personal watercraft, off road bike or 4x4 vehicle! The Hov Pod is the most versatile and unique vehicle and it can travel over many surfaces which would constrict other water craft. A new era is upon us. The era of the Hov Pod is NOW! A Hov Pod Hovercraft means YOU can have all your fun with the one craft.

Hov Pod Hovercrafts for FunHovercraft

Owning a Hov Pod Hovercraft means that fast flowing rapids, shallow rivers, estuaries, marshes, and sand islands are no longer obstacles in your way - they are now new areas to discover, explore and have FUN! 

Hov Pod Hovercraft enable you to travel to places you have always wondered about but could never get to. Imagine being the first to find and visit these new places because the Hov Pod Hovercraft can take you there. Who knows what lies around that river bend? 

Stopping the Hov Pod is as impressive as you want it to be. Spin the hovercraft through 180° and open up full power in the opposite direction to slowly slide to a stop. 

Hov Pod Hovercraft make using slopes or hills to slow and turn the craft great fun. You can aim the hovercraft at a short hill or slope, slide up and across it before spinning around and powering off in another direction.

Hov Pod Hovercrafts for Excitement!


Using the Hov Pod is a uniquely exhilarating experience as you can slide in any direction you wish. Hov Pod can be used to curve in long loops or exciting spins in tight 360's. It is even possible to spin the hovercraft 360° whilst travelling in the same direction! 

Cornering the Hov Pod is unlike anything else - adjust the steering before you reach a turn and slide the hovercraft sideways, leaning in to the turn and keeping the power full on, skimming the hovercraft through the corner by sliding backwards and sideways before powering on to the next exciting manoeuvre. 

Wave surfing is total excitement as the Hov Pod zooms from the beach to the waves, breaking over the surf and then back onto the sand once more. 

With a Hov Pod Hovercraft a sand bank suddenly transforms into an off road ramp. Imagine sliding the Hov Pod down a sandbank and into the water, let your speed increase and ride from the water up and round the sandbank in one cool manoeuver.

Hov Pod Hovercrafts for Freedom



The versatility of the Hov Pod is incredible and gives an endless new range of personal opportunities. 

Freedom! Imagine going wherever you wish - speeding across fields, beaches, concrete, deserts, sea, coral reefs, rivers, lakes, even snow or ice! You can do all of this on the Hov Pod Hovercraft. 

Because our Hovercraft skim above the surface, no one need worry about the tidal conditions or running aground - just open up the throttle and go wherever you wish. All the problems associated with RIB’s, personal watercraft and speedboats do not affect Hov Pod Hovercraft as it rides on a cushion of air. 

All of this means that the Hov Pod gives everyone something unique, something different to any other product which rides on either water or land. This special something is "freedom". The freedom to do you want and go wherever you choose.

Hov Pod Hovercraft make RIB, speedboat and personal watercraft owners green with envy!

HovercraftOne of the most amazing features about the Hov Pod Hovercraft is your ability to change from surface to surface exactly as you want - Just imagine your own personal hovercraft skimming at full speed straight out of the water on to a beach or over a sandbar and then back in to the water! Remember that you will draw a crowd and be making all the RIB, speedboat and personal water craft owners green with envy! 

How about using your Hov Pod to skim across a field then over a river or rapids before speeding back up onto the land at the other side of the river? 

Use your Hov Pod to take your imagination as far as it will go! Don’t forget that you’re not constricted by terrains which limit other watercraft such as RIB’s, speedboats and personal watercraft! With your own personal hovercraft there are no problems spending time finding and paying to use slipways or piers. You don't have to spend valuable time unloading and setting up, just start the Hov Pod wherever you want and go...

Hov Pod Hovercraft For YouHovercraft

The Hov Pod Hovercraft opens up a whole new world of personal options and is the ideal craft for all the family. The hovercraft is adaptable enough to suit everyone's ideas about what they want to do. Wherever you are going you can take the Hov Pod hovercraft with you: for leisurely cruising, for fast speed fun, to explore new places or to take your friends and family out for a spin. 

If you would like to see the fun you can have with a Hov Pod then why not visit our video page where you can see MPEG Videos of the Hov Pod Hovercraft in action.

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 Hov Pod Hovercraft Item Number: 5667
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Purchase Price: $18,041.03 USD
Item Quantity: Item(s)

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