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Sydney- District Franchise

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Cash Back: 6500.00 SWIRLX
Current Bid: $49.98 USD
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   (Bid Fee: 6500.00 SWIRLX )

Delivery: Estimated between 8-10 Days
Payments:  PayPal 

The seller has activated the "extreme bidding" option for this listing. A cash back promotion is given to the winning bidder. If a bid is placed within the last 1200 seconds of this auction the auction time will be extended to allow 1200 seconds of bidding. The auction will end when there are no more bids place on the item.
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District Franchise (1) 1-9   
Total of items for sale: 20
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Item Description

HubSwirl’s District Franchise program   Sydney, Australia - District Franchise

This bid is for this specific district locaton and winning bidders will become the franchise operator of the HubSwirl ecosystem for this region. District owners will have a low monthly system fee of $24.99 and have access to a backend Admin control portal to manage their district, Members & content. They will receive 25% of all revenue (Advertising, Membership fees & sales commissions) earned from their franchised district. It’s a business and ownership will have huge revenue potential.

HubSwirl platform Promotional video https://youtu.be/2qEiYwJY4RQ

The district ownership and revenue earned will be for all platforms in the HubSwirl ecosystem - HubSwirl.com, Shopolu.com, HubSpin.com, Hiretree.com. You are able to own more than one location. Owners will have full control of their members and onboarding organizations in their locations. Owners can Buy & Sell their district through the SwirlSwap.com auction interface — a decentralized open marketplace.

How the auctions work - There is a small bid fee and will be accumulated into a cashback fund. Winners of the District auction will share the 50% of the cashback and can be used by the District owner for marketing purposes or any other need. It's a great way to kick start your new venture.

The District Franchises are being auctioned through our sniper auction engine - Auctions will only end when there are no more bidders. If there are bids made in the last 20 minutes of the auction the time will reset to 20 minutes until there are no more bidders.

The Franchise will be live and set up within 48 hours of payment.

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 About "District Franchise" Store
District Franchise
Run your own Swirl Franchise Business - A District City Franchise is an owner operator business model for the HubSwirl ecosystem’s 4 platforms. A District Franchise enables ownership, management, promotion & profit sharing for a specific geographic location.
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Shipping Insurance:  Not Available 

Sales tax details:
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